Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Week #5 chest and abs done!

Yesterday was quite the day at the gym! Gains all the way across the board for chest and triceps - I couldn't have asked for a better outcome. Thankfully it was a lot less busy than Monday, because that would have driven me nuts!

Hitting my chest really hard yesterday was a great feeling - one of those "epic" days at the gym where everything just feels right. No rhyme or reason for it, it just works. The same for my triceps, where overhead extensions are now at 90 lbs. That's 2 solid increment of increases, week over week. It just... keeps... coming!

Biceps and abs are today. Super-stoked on that! I'm going to be pushing myself even harder now to keep my biceps and abs developing as well as the rest of my body. They're coming up, but there's no rest for the wicked! I'm also looking foward to really hitting my forearms as well!

Have a great Wednesday folks! Good luck with your lifting!


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